

俚语 wasted dick

Wasted Dick

The condition of a male waking up in the morning with the perfect ability to have sex (having a good erection), but his partner has already awoken and dressed or left for work, thus leaving him sexually stranded.
John, in a mid-morning phone call to his girlfriend, Suzie: I was disappointed that you left early for work this morning, because when I woke up, I had a perfect erection for love making. I guess it's just another episode of "wasted dick".

A waste of dick

When you have such a large penis it's a waste of dick. No one wants it because it would wreck them.
That's a waste of dick my friend....can i have it when you die

Dick Waste

An irrelevant human being.
This word was made famous by a cast member of JKNews.
Guy1:I can't believe he reminded the teacher about the homework
Guy2: Yeah. What a dick waste.

Sock Dick Wasted

When a male gets extremely intoxicated; to the point that he is wearing nothing but a sock on his genitals.
"I went to a party this past weekend and got Sock Dick Wasted. "

sock dick wasted

Intoxication equivalent of white girl wasted but instead involves males getting naked placing socks on their dicks because they are so wasted.
Bystander 1: What the hell are those boys doing?
Bystander 2: Oh that's just Reid and Patrick getting sock dick wasted.

dick waste land

The Kappa Delta House at the University of Tulsa. The place where all dicks go to die. Any male appendage caught in the crevice of a TU KD almost immediately will commit suiside.
Dude KD at TU is such a dick waste land. I just fucked a KD and my dick shriveled up and died."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:52:28