

俚语 weekend warrior

weekend warrior

a person who holds a regular job during the week which restricts their ability to party/go on trips/partake in awesome activities, and thus plans epic weekend adventures to compensate. As much variation and quantity of awesomness is packed into the weekends as physically possible, warranting the rest of the work week to recharge for the next weekend.
Waste of space: Wanna go play beer pong at Douchie's, then pay a cover @ Sleezy's for a crappy DJ and ill-mixed, over-priced drinks?
Weekend Warrior: No, dude. I've got to work OT this week, so I have extra money to fund my weekends this month.
W.O.S.: What? Man, be a loser like me! What are you trying to accomplish on the weekends? I use them to recover from Jaeger binges.
W.W.: Well... I'm takin off early Friday to head south, back pack in to camp out on the ocean with friends, then we're gonna wake up early and snowboard all day at Sick Mt. We'll camp again Saturday night, then I gotta head back north for the bike race on Sunday, which I really have to push, so I can finish in time to shower and change into my dress clothes, pick up the GF, and catch the Opera. It's gonna be another amazingly epic and memorable weekend. You f@#$ing waste of space.
W.O.S.: Oh...maaaaaan. I just s#$t my pants again...

weekend warrior

1. A person who has a boring rat race job, and compensates by being irresponsible during the weekend.
I am a weekend warrior and I like to party, but I can't because my life sucks. Except for the weekends.

weekend warrior

A person who regularily parties on weekends. When you drink or smoke up on the weekends you can be considered a weekend warrior.
1:Hey did you see Bob?
2:Yes, Bob is a regular weekend warrior.

weekend warrior

(Noun) One who has obligations during the week, i.e. job or school etc., but he/she enjoys being belligerently drunk and high all weekend to the extent of passing or blacking out. These people are notorious for staying up until sunrise and wearing the same clothes into the next day. They only qualify if he/she parties on all nights of the weekend - no days off - This requires much will power and obedience to binge drinking and smoking. However these people are not only limited to partying on weekends, weekdays are acceptable too.
After thirty games of beer pong (ruit), smoking six blunts, and getting some skins over the course of the weekend, the sun started to come up early sunday morning and Max established his weekend warrior status.

weekend warrior

a term commonly used by douchebags to describe people with jobs during the week, who enjoy life only on the weekends.
Hey want to hit up a bar tonight?
Nah i can't i have work tomorrow.
oh ok weekend warrior

weekend warrior

A weekend warrior is a person who does mild workouts during the week but enjoys intense challenges and strenuous workouts, or competing and endurance testing in a variety of events on the weekend.
Sorry, man, no time to party this month. I'm in weekend warrior mode. Next week I'm in a 10k run and the week after I'm having a 1-2 hour mountain bike ride with buddies.

weekend warrior

Teen or young adult who lives a normal life during the week, but goes out on the weekend and rides quads, shoots potato guns, real guns, hangs out in pickup trucks, and otherwise lives it up like a hick on the weekend.
Johnny might seem like a civilized guy most of the time, but he's also a real weekend warrior.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:17:08