

俚语 blaze of glory

blaze of glory

1) a death resulting from choosing to fight back against overwhelming enemy force rather than surrender; to choose to receive unilateral deadly force in conflict rather than end the conflict. Applies mostly to spectacular painless death, whether painless from adrenaline/drug anesthesia or instant death/instant loss of consciousness with death while unconscious; more difficult to apply to long, painful death, pathetic death, or death without much resistance.

2) any spectacular downfall
1a) The Japanese decided to go out in a blaze of glory and fight to the very last man. It was Americans that surrendered when they were overwhelmed. There were no survivors.

1b) Rather than surrender to the undercover cop that identified himself and was trying to arrest them, Georg waited until the cop was distracted and then Georg tried to gun down the cop. Bommi also shot at the cop as soon as he heard shooting. The cop shot Georg to death instead, but Bommi was then able to shoot to death the cop in turn and escape. It was common knowledge between the cop, Georg and Bommi that the cop was risking his life to impose on Georg and Bommi the choices of surrendering and risking imprisonment or execution, killing the cop, or going out in a blaze of glory.

2a) The Galileo space probe was ordered to enter Jupiter's atmosphere. This caused it to burn up and go out in a blaze of glory, rather than risking crashing into one of Jupiter's moons. Crashing into a moon would risk contaminating the moon with Earth's microbes, frustrating any effort to find native life.

2b) Area man with help from girlfriend amassed enormous amounts of cannabis and blue corn chips. With a warrant out for his arrest, he jumped bail and fled to his friend's house, where he revealed his plan to his girlfriend: Eat cannabis brownies and corn chips, wait for a cannabis-induced overwhelming urge to have sex, then have a kinky sex and cocaine induced massive heart attack. He had evaded detection until he carried out his plan the following month. He was found wandering the streets and was hospitalized. There it was soon discovered that he was a fugitive. He had truly went out in a blaze of glory.

blaze of glory

\\bleyz uhv glohr-ee\\
the act of committing suicide by smoking marijuana (following the discovery of a deadly allergy to it)
"My grandpa may be dead, but at least he went out in a blaze of glory."

Blaze of glory

When you're about to get banned on a site, so you go ahead and shitstorm the site without mercy.
Johnny was busy cursing some asshole out and then he got a filter and a report was issued. Knowing he was going to get a permanent ban, he filled the site with "RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE " because he wanted to go out in a Blaze Of Glory.

blaze your glory

Extravagant masturbation
That Meghan Markle is so hot, you could blaze your glory over and over again watching her in Suits.

Blaze Your Glory

To get a carpet burn on your asshole by having sex on the floor
Put a pillow down. You wouldn’t want to blaze your glory.

blaze your glory

A euphemism for masturbation/sex. As in, “I’m blazing my glory rn.”
Ex: “When we get back to your apartment, I’m gonna blaze your glory.”

Blazing Glory

The art of one puffing the magic dragon while receiving an act of fellatio & the still glowing cherry popping out of the cone and landing on the fellatio givers hair setting it up in blazing flames.
- Dude, why is your girlfriend bald?

- Blazing Glory my friend, blazing glory...




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:24:29