

俚语 whatsuper


Old skool way to hello or whats happening
person 1: Whats up wit it?

person 2: Whatsuper?


A shortened version of "What's up", which replaces greetings such as "Hello", "How are you?", "What's going on?", etc. This phrase was possibly made popular in the 1940's from a cartoon called Bugs Bunny, when the rabbit said his famous catch phrase, "Eh...What's up, doc?".

If you are not a social recluse then you will most likely be asked "Whatsup?" multiple times a day and be expected to answer with the vague "nothin", "not shit", "chillin", etc.

Other ways to say whatsup:

How's it hanging?, How ya derrin?, How ya doin?, What ho, What it be?, What it do?, What it is?, What's clickin?, What's crackin'?, What's poppin?, What's new?, What gives?, What's cookin?, What's crackalackin?, What's happenin?, etc.
Ex 1:

Ex 2:
Whatsup mothafucka?

Ex 3:
Bob- Hey girl, whatsup?
Lucy- The sky!
Bob- (Smart ass...)

Ex 4:
Bob- Hey man, whatsup?
Jones- Not shit man.

whatsup douchebag

A colloquial expression originating in the northeast United States which is used to address one person or party who is entering the scene after doing something deemed "douchey"
Bryan takes his athletes on a long run and makes them run under 6 minute pace. When he returns from his run, the tmd 800 meter runners are like, "whatsup douchebag."

dats whatsup

guy on youtube shorts and tik tok asking people on the street at lunchtime, in the fashion neighborhood, what they "do for a living" . Approval earns a das whatsup from the guy asking.
I help people get their start-up going.
Dats whatsup! nothing before, nothing after

Wassup Whatsup!

A greeting to a female or male after you ask them a serious question like-Do you like to party?, Do you wear thong under pants?, Do you get naked on the first date?
Do you like to party?, Do you wear thong under pants?, Do you get naked on the first date? then you would reply Wassup Whatsup!

whatsup my jordan

Used by social rejects who have never felt a females touch
boy with small dick: Calm down jordan
boy who has never gotten female validation: Whatsup my jordan with hard j
anyway follow my insta @alaiyahskyee




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