

俚语 wikimpeding


The act of looking up a Wikipedia article either aimlessly or for a specific purpose (academia, research, etc.), and subsequently becoming engrossed in random articles ensuing from one's clicking of new links in each article that somehow sparked their interest; thus impeding your original efforts or simply prolonging them unnecessarily. Will often result in entire afternoons or evenings wasted, which were originally intended to be spent studying or doing something more productive- although one may have learned a few cool things in the process.

It can probably be attributed to Wikipedia's simplicity, vast information archives, and aesthetic value.

See also: procrasturbation
Cletus: Damn! I was just looking up the wikipedia article on quantum mechanics to get some ideas to help me start my research paper...now here I am 28 pages and 4 hours later on the article for the Shaq-Kobe feud.

Jimmy Wales: Wikimpeding strikes again! Muahahahahahaha!




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