

俚语 wire hanger

Wire Hanger

That funny shaped metal object that people use to hang up clothes

That metal object, when straightened out, which is used as an optional abortion tool

When unbent, the most versatile tool for unlocking a car.
Timmy:"I need to hang my clothes up, on this hanger"

Jack:"my wife is pregnant"
Dominic:"Don't worry, I have a wire hanger"
Wife:"OH SHIT"

Wire Hanger

When you fuck a pregnant woman and your dick pulls her baby out prematurely.
"Wasn't Jennifer pregnant?"

"No, her boyfriend fucked her like a wire hanger."

No more wire hangers

What a stepmother would yell at you if she found a wire hanger in your closet after specifically telling you that wire hangers are just not acceptable. You would then be beaten about with the aforementioned wire hanger.
"You fool! I said plastic hangers! But this...This is a wire hanger! No more wire hangers!"




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