A huge 3-story red Mecha used by the E.G.A. Mecha Pilot Jin Saotome. Originally from the Cyberbots import game, the Blodia Mecha was the main "character" in this Streetfighter-esq fighting game. It was also the main mecha in the game TechRomancer. Since then, Jin Saotome has taken center stage in the Marvel vs Capcom 1 and 2 games, and the Blodia is only seen in his super-attacks. (Blodia punch and Blodia vulcan)
"Jin pilots the Blodia through the city, trying not to destroy too many buildings on his way through."
marvel versus capcom term for blow job.
Mike: Did you have sex with Karen?
Tom: No. But she did give me a damn good blodia.
(friends shake hands, then celebrate with a beer)
Tom: No. But she did give me a damn good blodia.
(friends shake hands, then celebrate with a beer)