

俚语 yomming


When a discord user splits up their sentences into multiple messages so that they can be seen. This is usually done for attention.
"Damn, Cameron sure is Yomming today."

Yom Yom

The sound made by sucking hard on a cock, while giving a blow job.

Can also be used if you want to give a blow job to someone and you want to be discrete
Clare wanted to suck his cock hard and was desparate to watch him cum while yom yom'ing on his cock

As she sucked hard on my cock, all I could hear was yom yom yom


Short for moulinyam which is Italian for eggplant. What Italians call blacks.
That neighborhood is loaded with yom-yoms.


Used to desribe anyone of Black descent who acts or thinks they are Jamaican.
Check out tose yoms over there trying to play it off like they are jamaican


people of under average intelligence!! also called retards, re-re's, and window lickers!
no you friggin yom-yom. thats paste not cookie dough!!! or you group of yom-yoms don't eat sand it's for castle building not, not show and tell!!


An individual who is mentally sub-normal / retarded.
That guy in the rubber hat looks like a bit of a yom!


Any one not of the Caucasian descent
Look at the yom fresh off the boat




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:48:06