

俚语 you gay, bro?

You gay, bro?

A term used by homosexuals, mainly men, as a way of asking out another man, to be sure if he's also homosexual or not. When being a gay male, asking someone else out is not as easy as being straight because you don't know if the other guy is also gay too, so these this term was invented and is basically the gay equivalent of asking a girl "Can I buy you a drink?"
Guy 1: You gay, bro?
Guy 2: I'm bisexual.
Guy 1: Oh, cool. So am I.
Guy 2: Cool. So, wanna go out?
Guy 1: Yeah.
(And thus, a homosexual relationship has been created)

you gay bro?

A phrase posed as a questions by one bro to another bro to determine sarcastically or seriously question another bros sexuality. This statement may also be used as a pejorative statement to question another bros level of masculinity in a situation.
Ex. Bro (1.) "Yo bro! Go ask that bench on a date bro!" Bro (2). replies "no". Bro (1.) "You gay bro? You're not gay are you bro!?"




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