

俚语 blowjob lips

blowjob lips

a girl (sometimes a guy) who has voluptuous lips that easily could be imagined around the stem of your penis
gav- holy crap dave, look at that lass' blowjob lips!

blowjob lips

Lips, no matter whom or what they belong to, that are in prime "Nob Slobbing" condition.
Wow bro, that bitch got some really nice blowjob lips!

blowjob lips

A girl's lips during and after a blowjob - usually wet, salty and a bit sticky due to the mix of cum and saliva.
I kissed her on the lips after she gave me a blowjob...her blowjob lips tasted nasty!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:55:02