

俚语 þórir


The biggest pussy but still the biggest legend you can find
Thorer or Þórir can be awesome but still is always lazy


Þórir is that kind of a guy in your classroom who always has to be the best in his teachers eyes. He's kind of a kennarasleikja
(One guy)Holy shit did you see that annoying kid sucking up the teacher?

(Annother guy)Yeah hes such a þórir


Þórir is that one kid in your classroom who always has to prove he's the best student to your teacher. Þórir is the most kennarasleikja you will ever know
(One kid) Holy shit did you se that guy sucking up the teacher?
(Olanother kid) Yeah he's such a þórir.


Þórir is the type of guy who acts sus around his friends but is actually much of a lady man. He is good at sports, can be very mean but also very fun, he can get every woman in the world. But he chooses men.
"Did you see that guy? He was acting kinda gay:"
Yeah, he's such a Þórir"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:32:47