Something a person types who is experiencing absolute, desolate, sheer, painfull boredom
The child typed 1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm+×÷=/_<>!@#$%^&*()-'":;,?`~\\|{}€£¥₩°•○●□■♤♡◇♧☆▪¤《》¡¡¿¡》《¤▪☆♧◇♡♤■□●○•°₩¥£€}{|\\~`?,;:"'-)(*&^%$#@!><_/=÷×+mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq0987654321 because they felt absolute, desolate, sheer, painfull boredom.
Trying to out smart the Urban Dictionary? Try again, coward.
`°~•☆\\○▪︎|●¤{□《}■》€♤¡£♡¿¥◇₩♧ is not enough to outsmart the Urban Dictionary.
Why did you even search for this?
Why are you even searching for qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm1234567890+×÷=%_€£¥₩!@#$/^&*()-'":;,?`~\\|<>{}°•○●□■♤♡◇♧☆▪¤《》¡¿ on urban dictionary please do something with your life.
Moron stupid moron.
Your such a chud ☆♤♡♧