

俚语 boneless chicken

boneless chicken

A person that is so fat they appear to have no bones. The individual resembles a pile of heated playdo held together only by the surface tension of their skin
Where does that boneless chicken with the syrup stain on her shirt sit? I don't know use the marble method to find her

Boneless chicken wings

The less honest cousin of chicken nuggets, boneless chicken wings are deep fried lies and whoever enjoys them can never be trusted, they are most likely a Russian spy or a reptilian imposter.
"Hello I'd like to order some chicken nu- I mean boneless wings" *lizard noises*

"hey look over there, it's that nerd Trever with his boneless chicken wings, what a loser. We can not trust Trever"

Boneless Chicken wings

Synonym : chicken nuggets
Gimme dem Boneless chicken wings

boneless chicken wing

A chicken nugget
Example: Boneless chicken wings are nuggets

boneless chicken wings

boneless chicken wings are chicken wings without the bone. boneless chicken wings are not chicken nuggets! and never will they ever be chicken nuggets.
Boneless chicken wings and chicken nuggets are not the same thing.

Boneless chicken wings

Cowards chicken wings for people who are too dainty to use their hands to eat their food.
"I order boneless chicken wings because I don't have a personality and mutilate my food for fun."

Boneless Chicken Wing

A term shouted into your microphone when you join your friends PlayStation party.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:40:25