

俚语 bongo drum

bongo drum

Referring to a person whomst has a hollow head. (they a dumb nig nog)
Tony: Yo uhhhh, can I get a b o n e l e s s pizza.
Nicolai: Damn you a bongo drum stoopid.

Rusty Lawnmower Bongo Drum

When feces accidentally sprays out of the anus during the course of performing a lawnmower and is addressed by tapping it back into the anus, much like beating on a bongo drum.
How'd that orgy go, Max?
Oh, not too well, Horace. I had to administer a rusty lawnmower bongo drum. You see, I got a little wild with my pull on the anal beads and had to bust out my Billie Jean drum beats to quell the flow of ass butter. Thank God my 4-4 timing was impeccable otherwise it may have been much worse.




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