

俚语 brekked


To be brekked is simply an advanced level of being rekt, to the point which a new word must be created, to describe the devastation that has occurred
Person 1: Heard you were in a car crash yesterday.

Person 2: yeah, i got completely brekked.


awesome, cool, interesting
I really like that guy he's brek!


a highly attractive person. excels in sports involving boards(snowboarding, longboarding, skimming, ect)super steezy, extremly possitive, and taste like sugar.
Girl1: oh my god that boy is so fine!

Girl2: oh he's a brek for sure


Super sexy boy gets all the wamen and is mega super Clutchin’
Ugly person: Who’s that over there getting all the freaking babes
Hot Girl: Oh, That’s Brek he’s so freaking sexy and smartalicious!!!


Tiny penis ass hole that likes to touch little boys
Hide your kids. Here comes brek


adj. A term used to describe a severely unattractive person. Someone who is offensive to the eye.

derived from broke/bruk/butters.
"that girl is so brek she didn't get hit with the ugly stick, the whole forest pulverized her face! Bushes, soil, undergrowth; You name it, it beat her until she resembled a micro-waved puddle of vomit!"

ready brek

A slang term for cunnilingus. Alternatively, can refer to the taste of the female genitals during cunnilingus.
"Saad disappeared off with that girl last night."
"Yeah man, I heard she was dishing out the ready brek."




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