

俚语 brown lining

brown lining

The opposite of silver lining. When good (or bad) news includes worse, additional information.
Boss: Well, Jimmy, you got the internship!

Jimmy: Dope.

Boss: ...the brown lining is its unpaid.

Jimmy: Rats.

Brown Line

The railway that runs alongside the Hershey Highway.
Ooop, I feel a Brown Line Express coming through...

The Brown Line

How close you can come to shitting yourself, without actually shitting yourself. Usually caused by explosive diarrhea.
I almost crossed the brown line this morning, I Just managed to get my pants down and take a seat before I decorated the Oval Office

thin brown line

When you think you have sweet fart, but it turns out to be a shart
Hey man I thought had a sweet fart, but when I let it rip it turned out to be a little shit. That's the thin brown line for ya

Rob brown line

The biggest line known to man that only rob could consume.
A rob brown line. Bigger than the que for mcdonalds after lockdown

Brown Line Express

1. A fast-moving, no-stops train on the Brown Line.
2. A gigantic turd that tears your sphincter to shreds on the way out. Often comes without warning. So called because of a faint resemblance to a speeding subway car.
Aw man. I had a Brown Line Express this morning. I looked in the toilet, and it was actually the size of my wrist.

CTA Brown Line

Willing to get off at ANY exit in order to stave off impending fecal incontinence.
"Pull into that Moo&Oink! I got the CTA Brown Line goin' on!!! I can't wait!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:45:50