

俚语 buck naked

buck naked

Completely nude. (See also butt naked)
The man was running down the street buck naked!

buck naked

(adj.) - having handed over one's cash, usually at gunpoint.
(v.) - to get buck naked
(Gangster puts glock up to other gangster's head) Gangster - Bitch, you better get buck naked.
Gangster 2 - (hands over his green)

Buck Naked

what a man might call himself under the following conditions; a) he is trying to convince his mother that he isn't gay, but is a porno actor under that name, b) he is trying to convince his girlfriend that he is gay, so they can break up (only she doesn't believe him, hence he tries to turn her off by telling her that he is a porno actor under that name)
Buck Naked!

Buck Naked

When the nipples become hard and you can see them through the shirt.
Man Bry, she looked good buck naked tonight.

Buck Naked Face

Clean shaven.
Officer: "What did he look like?"
Witness: "He was bout 5'10, buck naked face, jeans and a blue shirt."

bucked naked bar

A strip joint, broads ass naked shaking a tail feather for a buck...major work!
I don't go to bucked naked bars...

buck ass naked

A combination of bare assed and buck naked. Another form is buck ass nekkid. Usually applies to a drunk frat boy types in innocent homo-erotic situations while hard drinking with their buddies.
Josh: "Hey, that Chad guy is buck ass naked and sportin' a semi."

Jake: "Yep, he's a nudie."

Jeremy: (as he drops his boxers) "Yeah, he'll nude up any time, anywhere."




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