

俚语 bum-fuck egypt

bum fuck egypt

The middle of fucking nowhere.
I missed a turn and ended up in Bum Fuck Egypt.

bum fuck egypt

A term used to describe any middle-of-nowhere, backwoods area, particularly one that is a long distance away. Derived from bumfuck, also used to describe a similar location. The addition of "egypt" originated in the Midwest, describing the "Little Egypt" region of Illinois, an extremely rural area compared to the urban Northern Illinois. See also BFE.
We had to drive all the way out to bum fuck egypt to pick her up.

bum fucking egypt

out in the middle of nowhere
Your house is in bum fucking egypt.

Bum Fucked Egypt

Pertaining to a location that is in the middle of nowhere.
You live in the middle of Bum Fucked Egypt.

Bum-fuck Egypt

The middle of nowhere
Damn! Dude! Your girlfriend lives in the middle of Bum-fuck Egypt!

Bum Fucked Egypt

Some arbitrary, far away place.

Note: It should be "Bum Fuck, Egypt", not "Bum Fucked Egypt".
My package is taking forever to get here. They must have sent it through Bum Fuck, Egypt

bum the fuck egypt

a long ass way awy
This muthafuka made me drive bum the fuck egypt for them shoes.




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