Ace Matador
Elitist asshole who thinks he's the best and runs an elitist clan named 6A9. If you manage to beat him, he'll wish death on you, often in a retarded way that satisfies him.
6A9 MataSuspect: You are a pathetic faggot who should die in a car crash.
6A9 MataSuspect: that is all.
2. Ace Matador: monta and lakers will likely soon die of aids from all the anal sex they give each other. two birds: one stone.
6A9 MataSuspect: You are a pathetic faggot who should die in a car crash.
6A9 MataSuspect: that is all.
2. Ace Matador: monta and lakers will likely soon die of aids from all the anal sex they give each other. two birds: one stone.