The way illiterate children who pretend they know what they are talking about spell "cannabis" because they are too goddamn retarded and arrogant to take the time to see if they got it right.
The fucktarded 15-year-old in 3rd grade handed his written assignment entitled "y canabis iz bad." He got put in the special kids' class shortly after.
The glue holding all this shit together
Lets light a canabis joint, school can wait.
The act of cuddling and playing grab ass.
Ben wants to get canaby.
See how canaby she gets.
See how canaby she gets.
A proccesed for of Marajuana
I smell CANIBUS!
a drug that get you high when smoked, smoking a lot can lead to you doing stupid things
james just had a load of canabis and got run over
canabis enthusiast
A canabis enthusiast is a person who does not like the social stigma with names such as pothead or stoner. They usually are stoners who have priorities and contribute to society.
Ex: every pot head who is successful
Ex: every pot head who is successful
Jack: " Dude your such a stoner"
Chong: " no man, im just a canabis enthusiasts."
Chong: " no man, im just a canabis enthusiasts."