chartiers houston
The place where crazy people go and it's fuller with assholes
Chartiers Houston
Chartiers Houston
A small school that is full of wonderful people. You either hate it here or love it here not really an in between . The school is basically run by a group called the boys and no one likes to mess with them. If someone is in trouble the boys are there to help.
Man did you see the boys walking through chartiers Houston, I surely wouldn’t want to mess with them.
chartiers houston high school
a small school where you can find hill billy’s, trumpies, and a large group called “da boys”. the kids at chartiers like to write on the bathroom stalls woth period blood, and or pencil. some exotic things to find at chartiers are boys taking the doors off the bathroom stalls and kids smoking under the stairs. the food at chartiers tastes similar to the food you would give your dead grandmother.
“you go to chartiers houston high school?”
“you nasty thing”
“you nasty thing”