cheming=cos poop dick theta
The Proof:
Heming is stupid and annoying
Heming= stupid x annoying
Annoying people are cotangent with poop dicks
Heming= cos poop dick stupid
The level of stupidity is theta
Hemings level of stupidity is theta
Heming=cos poop dick theta
Heming is Cheming on paper
We conclude:
Cheming=cos poop dick theta
Heming is stupid and annoying
Heming= stupid x annoying
Annoying people are cotangent with poop dicks
Heming= cos poop dick stupid
The level of stupidity is theta
Hemings level of stupidity is theta
Heming=cos poop dick theta
Heming is Cheming on paper
We conclude:
Cheming=cos poop dick theta
The proof of cheming=cos poop dick theta took merely minutes to think up because cheming is an ugly poop dick.
cheming=cos poop dick theta
the equivalency of munging Mrs. Heming or Cheming; makes barfing a desirable option
"That guy totally just munged a dead nun!" barf-vomit-barf