

俚语 chicken flipping

chicken flipping

taking both 2C-I (or 2C-anything) and mushrooms
"couldn't find any molly so I guess I'm chicken flipping tonight!"

Chicken flip

1. A slam on an object or person in which the object or person does a flip while in the process of being slammed.

2. A redneck version of a judo throw.
dude 1: did hear about Larry the cable guy beating up that crackhead?

dude 2: yeah he tried to stab him with a crack pipe so Larry chicken flipped him and knocked him out.

Flipping chickens

A chicken is another word for bird and a bid is a kilogram - so flipping chickens is like turning over a kilo in market equivalent revenue.
I used to be on this block flipping chickens all year long, how do you think I came up out the gutter.

flip chickens

to smoke pot, usually in joint and/or blunt form, with a group of close friends.
"Hey Sergio, let's go flip chickens behind this building."




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