

俚语 clyding


When you wast vial time doing something stupid
"Dude stop Clyding Around!"


Clyding : verb the act of secluding and or covertly moving (ghosting) around your place of employment while accomplishing almost nothing for 8 hrs while clocked in and remaining gainful employment.

Clyding is usually accompanied by scowling and complaining threatening to quite ; and feeling of utter unhappiness.
Bob came in in a bad mood . Ugh he’s going to be clyding all day.

The Clyde

When two men shnoodle but one of them is upside down licking the other mans prolapse
Hey man lets do the Clyde


Clyde's are usually open minded and creative people. They are very brutal and honest however and are very cutthroat when they are asked to tell the truth. Clyde's are also very sweet and affectionate. They are great people to date ;)
Look! Its Clyde , He is very creative.


Clydes are usually smart assholes that know how to get their way around things, or they can be angels. If your name is clyde you will probably be popular at school because your name is so rare. They often are babe magnets and will do anything for free pussy.
Person 1: “Hey look over there, I see Clyde!”
Person 2: “Whats he doing?”
Person 1: “Getting ladies for sure.”


A man with a kind heart, but has done some bad things in his past. He loves girlfriend (when he has one). Used to be a HUGE man-whore. Gets Lucky a lot. Names his dick. Clydes are Cute, Adorable, Brown eyes/ hair, Dangerous when messed with, caring. Has a twisted mind ;) He will act like an ass if he doesn't like you. He won't care what anyone thinks except the one he loves most. Clyde is sometimes short and he's very lovable, eventhough he won't except it.
" That boy's a clye, he got lucky last night!"

"He's sweet and cute."
"He must be a CLYDE"


Someone who is a true niqqa and likes to think of himself as little bill. This guy is always trying to meet new people, but the opposite happens, people start to to talk to him because he has so much swag
You see Clyde walking
Other Guy: Little Biiiiiiiiill!!!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:10:58