

俚语 collinsed


To be decisively proved wrong after making an unsupported statement, or to be owned in a more general sense.

Similar to owned and sonned.
"Yeah, she tried to argue with the professor, but he's an expert and she got straight collinsed."

Person 1: Ahh, I'm not worried, you can't hit the last cup
Person 2 (after hitting the last cup): Collinsed!


To get extremely intoxicated. A sloppy drunk.
Kim got Collinsed last night. She pissed in a crowded parking lot and threw up in the car.

Floyd Collinsed

Floyd Collins has to be one of the most fucked up events between world war 1 and world war 2. 1925. Floyd was a Kentucky Caver who got trapped in a cave and died over 2 weeks later. His death was a national phenomenon, i suggest you look up the full story, its pretty fucked in the head.

In This case, to be Floyd Collinsed, it means to get yourself, or part of yourself stuck in one area. If you get stuck somewhere that you end up Dying or having to amputate an arm or some shit, you got Literally Floyd Collinsed
Guy 1: Dude were the fuck have you been.

Guy 2: Sorry man, I got my dick Floyd Collinsed in my girls ass.


To repeatedly injure yourself in stupid scenarios, often causing humility and disdain. Most prevelant in Irish regions but can be experienced in other geographical regions.
Did you hear about Greg? He Collinsed himself again with a radiator. Last week he Collinsed himself while running with scissors in the hall.




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