A Glom
Someone with sticky hands. Known to put his hand on things that don’t belong to him.
I don’t trust Sal around my things, he’s not a thief but he’s a Glom.
A practice commonly used at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) by men desiring female companionship. Due to the lopsided demographics (75% men, 25% women), one finds a dearth of women at Caltech. Thus, several men tend to court a woman at once. So, glomming refers to the practice of several men hooking onto (not literally) to one woman.
At a dance, one can find several men dancing with one woman. They are glomming her. Or, one might find several men walking to class with one woman. These men are glomming.
v.t. - to cling with sudden suction
"She glommed on to him like a duck on a june bug."
glom on
A random person who suddenly attaches themselves to you or your group of friends.
He's a nice guy but kind of a glom on.
- Astronomers often use "glom" instead of using the longer and more unwieldy conglomerate.
- to gather into a ball or rounded mass.
- to collect or cluster together.
- Astronomers often use "glom" instead of using the longer and more unwieldy conglomerate.
- to gather into a ball or rounded mass.
- to collect or cluster together.
Materials in orbit of a star can glom together to form a planet.
to steal, swipe or nab
"Somebody glommed the SD 80/90 MACs!" - Ralph Israel
Acronym: Good Looking Older Man
"Oooooh, George Clooney is such a GLOM!"