

俚语 core kid

core kid

1. Someone who is a fan of the sub-genre "metalcore" - one who attends metalcore shows and mosty upholds an appearance standard to the sub-culture.
2. An enemy of Metalheads and close cousin to emo kids.

synonyms: scene kid, scenester, poser, poseur.
1. Hey look at that hot topic core kid. I want to slowly torment and torture him until he dies.

2. Telling the difference between female and male core kids is nearly impossible.

core kid

a kid who is obssesed with the service
"Core Kid was trained in the core."

Core Kid

Usually refers to the fans of metal sub genres such Metal core or Death, but goes further than that. They’ll most often be found ruining mosh pits in metal shows by flailing their arms around risking the safety of patrons. They call this “hardcore dancing”. This kind of idiocy fucks over the of whom the last thing on their minds was spending their hard earned cash to get physically assaulted by an oblivious retard with ear gauges the size of Buddha’s lobes.
Metalhead 1: Dude, that Core Kid over there was doing his stupid hardcore dancing and hit my girlfriend square in the face! Security tried kicking him out, but he found a way back in. Let’s find and beat his ass after the show!

Metal head 2: Damn straight! Let’s make him beg for death!


A kid Who is emo , but doesn't listen to that bullshit emo music, listens to hardcore music. A kid who's life sucks, but cry's alot without anyone knowing, just takes it out on cuts and everything else.
That kid is such an emo kid no he's an emo-core-kid he listens to hardcore stuff not that emo crap

Hard Core Kids

A Child who claims his/her parents hate them, and hang out at Taco bell at all ours of the day. They think they are really hard core because they smoke and drink against their parents wishes. They listen to "Hard Core" music, but in reality is is extremely homosexual. Examples include. Metro Station, Bullet For my Valentine, The Devil Wears Prada, 3oh!3, and other bands who's lyrics focus on how their girl friends broke up with them, and other whinny topics. Their clothing may include, but is not limited to.....

Tight Pants
Band T-shirts (But not cool ones, the homosexual one, such as bands states above)
Straitened Hair

Plaid Shirts
Skate shoes
Studded Belts
and other homosexual fashions that make them think that they are cool.
Hard Core kids Conversation

HARD CORE KID #1: Hey dude, I'm so hardc0re ! I spend my whole day at taco bell and smoke because i think its cool and my parents don't want me too !

HARD CORE KID #2: Yeah d00d we are so br00tual ! I think my parents hate me because they don't let me smoke and sneak out !

HARD CORE KID #1:Yeah d00d, they must hate you !

HARD CORE KID #2:Or middle class lives suck !

HARD CORE KID #1:Yeah, no one has it as bad as we do !


1.Emos who realise how retarded the whole emo thing is, but still want the emo lads who haven't to stick their tongues down their throats, so they make a lame play on the word "emo" and think they're better than everyone else.

2. "Hardcore" music isn't hardcore at all, it's music that you don't actually like- you only listen to it so you can get bummin's from emofags.
"Look at those emo kids, heh. They're so sad, they ain't even hardcore." *Sips an alcopop* - Some emo-core-kid




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