

俚语 covidependent


Someone who takes advantage of the system after the government allows expanded unemployment benefits due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
Jimmy became covidependent, now all he does is lay around and collect his big unemployment checks!


Adjective. The state of wanting to leave a relationship or situation that is emotionally unhealthy for you, but not being able to due to quarantine or economical fallout from a pandemic.
He wanted to leave his girlfriend but the virus caused job cuts, so now he’s stuck in a covidependent relationship.


Adjective. The state of wanting to leave a relationship or situation that is emotionally unhealthy for you, but not being able to due to quarantine or economical fallout from a pandemic.
He wanted to leave his girlfriend but the virus caused job cuts, so now he’s stuck in a covidependent relationship.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:32:37