

俚语 crackerfucking


To spend time doing small trivial tasks, and as a result, avoiding doing larger and more important tasks. Originally developed in reference to leveling up in a video game and not acheiving the next step in the quest, thus not accomplishing a lot in advancing the progress of the game. Usually boring for others.
"Paul spent most of the day at work crackerfucking. He hasn't gotten any of his projects completed."


a person who has sex with white people
Many racists are crackerfuckers, but not all crackerfuckers are racist. I once met a very nice crackerfucker.


see also crackfuck
A person that has sex with someone else's spouse.
Crystal Micek of Omaha, NE is a sleazy crackerfuck.

Cornball crackerfuck

Usually a white bitch who fucks a ton of guys at the beach’s while she is in a relationship/talking to someone or being a hoe and getting shitfaced every night
Dude she’s such a cornball crackerfuck oh my goodness!




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