

俚语 crotch muppet

Crotch muppet

(noun) derogatory slang for human offspring, usually under ten years of age.
Vaccinate your crotch muppets. Do you want polio to come back? This is how polio comes back.

Crotch Muppet

A crotch muppet is a strange animal that can occur when you don't wash your crotch enough...The animal will look a lot like the muppets and will have a strange voice- they are very hard to get rid of...
Harry: He dude, ur Crotch Muppet s go away yet?
Bob: Nope, they just keep multiplying!
Harry: Hmmm; maybe you should try calling the exterminators. They could get on your girlfriend and try to get in her pants!
Bob: Wow yeah i should. Dayumm that would suck..




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