An unrecognized unit of measurement, which contains both metric and imperial units of measurement. It is the product of 2 or more measurements with a stronger relation to expressions with more than 2 units, because after 2 measurements people sometimes forget to check the units, assuming all the units to be the same.
The cuntmeter is used because of complete lack of interest in converting units, and/or the resulting answer. Problems most likely to use cuntmeters typically come from textbook questions, but can be used in any aspect of life. The product doesn't really matter, because if it did, the corresponding units would have been calculated from the beginning.
If in fact the answer DID matter, the person recording the measurements would have to really be a big greasy cunt to record them all in different units. Even if the measurements came from different sources, they should have been converted into a standard unit. Thus, the cuntmeter is born.
The cuntmeter is used because of complete lack of interest in converting units, and/or the resulting answer. Problems most likely to use cuntmeters typically come from textbook questions, but can be used in any aspect of life. The product doesn't really matter, because if it did, the corresponding units would have been calculated from the beginning.
If in fact the answer DID matter, the person recording the measurements would have to really be a big greasy cunt to record them all in different units. Even if the measurements came from different sources, they should have been converted into a standard unit. Thus, the cuntmeter is born.
The surface area of a cube with sides measuring 3.75 in. by 26.3 cm by 2.24 ft is about 332 cuntmeters squared.