

俚语 cut! print it!

Cut! Print it!

From the filmmaking world, the term refers to finishing a scene and sending it to post production. Beyond movie-making, It has been synonymous with signing off or ok'ing work that has been rushed and not fully tested, or going with the first idea anyone has.
Guy 1: Hey what should we do for that supermarket ad pitch?
Guy 2: How about some talking fruit.
Guy 3: Cut! Print it!

Cut! Print It

An amazing song by The Starting Line. One of their most underrated songs, betting shoved out of the spotlight in favor of crap like Best Of Me and Bedroom Talk.
Person 1: So, I walked into my girlfriend's house and there she was with some other guy! For revenge, I spilled all her secrets on the web.

Person 2: Quit lying, that's the opening to Cut! Print It.




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