

俚语 cyri


Cyris is a person named closely to Chris, technically the "h" is just turned 180 degrees to form the "y".

He is a super hero, a man of such strength and determination, he will be admired by all, he is a miracle.

Knows to put a spell on people he meets so that they fall in love with his unique character and beautiful smile.

Typically has a good sense of style, a hard worker, imaginative and humorous. Incredible strength.
Someone just pulled a "Cyris" but not quite!

Ken, "you know Cyris "
Terri, "yeah I can't stop thinking about how awesome he is"

Ken, "he's a superhero , did you see what he did?"
Terri, "I know!"


Absolutely amazing. A Cyris will always be there for you and help you with whatever you need. Cyris’ are usually hilarious and athletic and sometimes kinda cocky but they’re so amazing that you look past it. If you have a Cyris you’re beyond lucky. They are the best friends you could ever have. Although they can be clingy and overprotective.. they do it because they care and might get a little out of hand but they always have the best intentions for you.
“Hey, do you know Cyris?”
“The really cute and funny kid on the football team?”
“Yea.. thats the one.”

The Cyris

A sex position in which you try to fuck as many people as you can at once, typically with astronomical success.
Guy 1: "Bro, did you see Josh last night with all those girls in his house?
Guy 2: "Yeah, I heard he mastered the Cyris, they all left his house at once soon after, and they thought they just visited Heaven.


very handsome and loving guy. he loves and can't stop thinking about this one person. he likes to draw.
person: do you know that cyris is so cool

cum trio: yes obviously


Cyris is a white boy name and is a totally retarded when it comes down to doing something important like working out or going somewhere. Also cyris can be a fun and enjoyable person has a caring personality usually and can be very obessed with random things (ex. Sex, little children, rape and many random things)
Guy:hey cyris
Cyris: yeah
Guy: what is that screaming in your car coming from
Cyris: its nothing dont worry


Someone who's both confident and shy. Both egocentric and humble. Someone who will laugh at something one day, then cry at it the next. Cyri is someone who is nothing, and everything at the same time.
"wow, Cyri is so humble."
"really? I think Cyri is really out there."

"Cyri is so confident, I wish I could be like her."
"I don't know, I think Cyri is pretty shy."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:02:00