Dallas Douche
Quintessential under 50 persona residing in D-town. (feigned apologies Detroit and <cough> Denver.) Spot the shallow eyes and boasts about their residence in University Park or Oak Cliff. Recognize the graphic tees/button ups <gasp>, jeans and tasteless designer kicks, i.e. Ed Hardy boys. "It's not L.A., nor NYC, it's Dallas baby." As far as Americans can fall, not bad people, and Texans generally have a leg up . . . but sporting events are not promenades no matter how hard you strut your Douchebaggage, and don't call me bro or attempt to relate to me by casually jangling your leased or lineage luxury vehicle keys.
DD: "Oh, we have one of those in Dallas, it's ok. Where you from?"
Some dude: "I, too, am a Dallas Douche, just taking some much needed time off."
DD: "Yeah, I know what you're talking about . . . but I'm not a douche, and Dallas is where's it's at!"
Some dude: "I, too, am a Dallas Douche, just taking some much needed time off."
DD: "Yeah, I know what you're talking about . . . but I'm not a douche, and Dallas is where's it's at!"