

俚语 dator


An Enemy Territory Legend.
Inferno has nothing on Dator.


A Prey-dator is a person or animal that is the result of a Predator Vs Prey situation that is reversed .

A Prey-dator is a person or animal that was once preyed upon; yet somehow flips the script and is now the one preying upon the former predator.
The lamb did not expect to become the Prey-dator when he was approached by the lion; but that’s when the lamb surprised the shit out of the predator lion with a sneak attack to the face & then the lion was never heard from again...

Har du en dator som du tror att vi har användning för, tveka inte att maila någon arrangör om det

sumone who speaks a foriegn lanhuage who gets pisses off while loosing in counter strike
fuck i got AWPed again!!!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:47:58