

俚语 delure


Artificial 'bait' used to catch de fish

1) Like debate but artificial.

2) Looks like debate and many fish do not know the difference.
girl: omg, i cannot catch anything with debait

guy (sucking on Billy Bob beer): use delure and ketch the big'n


Artificial 'bait' used to catch de fish

1) Like bait or 'debait' or 'debate' but artificial.

2) Looks like bait or 'debait' or 'debate' and many fish do not know the difference.

3) Used as such, would be considered bucolic, marzipan, roturier, rural, or tabla rasa.
girl: omg, i cannot catch anything with debait

guy (sucking on Billy Bob beer): use delure to ketch the big 'ns

girl: ok, but if that doesn't work let's noodle for catfish

guy: UFF'DA! Yah, you betcha!

girl: then, let's try the grenades or M-80's...blows 'em up REAL GOOD like them SCTV fellas on old Canadian TV.


When you are unattractid to something or someone.
That chicken is deluring.




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