

俚语 dickbitch


One who displays the characteristics of both a dick and a bitch.
Every group of friends has that one cocky member with an attitude that can only be perfectly defined as a "dickbitch".

"Tony, stop taking two hits every time the pipe passes by your way, dickbitch!"


someone who is not only a dick, but also a bitch
that dick is a bitch! fuck it, he's/she's a dickbitch!


same thing as a hoe
man jim is a dickbitch


the female equivalent of dickhead
"You're a dickhead, tyler!"
"Well...well..you're a dickbitch lyndsay!"


Someone who acts like a dick, but acts like a lil'bitch when someone acts like a dick towards them, basically they can dish it but can't take it.
Steve was acting like a Dick all night, but when Bobby called him out he whined like a lil'bitch. Yeah Steve's a dickbitch.


A dick or a bitch are two things a real man wants to never have anything to do with. Therefore, a dickbitch, or combination of the two, is a double-negative - creating a positive. Thus, a dickbitch, is the ultimate awesome.
Erika - "Hippy, you are a dickbitch"
Hippy - "I am well aware"
Erika - "Wow, you are so cool, I wish I could be as cool as you."
Hippy - "Keep dreaming bitch..."


A dickbitch or “db” is a word to describe somebody that is equally stupid enough to be described as both words. It is also someone who chases men a little too hard. By saying db, no one will know you are talking shit.
“Dude she is such a db... she likes every guy”

“You’re really acting like a dickbitch right now!”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:30:10