

俚语 dick in a blender

Dick in a Blender

A truly painful experience that still may be preferred over the proposed task, activity, action, etc.
Guy 1: Hey man, wanna go hang out at Bill's?
Guy 2: I'd rather shove my dick in a blender
Guy 1: I knew you didn't like Bill but that's extreme.
Guy 2: I beg to differ *plugs in blender*

Dick is in a blender

stuck in a bad place, stressed out, or over worked.
Jeremy Says:"Hey can you get those TPS reports ready by end of day?"
Dustin Says:"I'll try but my dick is in a blender with all these broken computers."

Dick Blender

A sexual act; specifically the act of forcing one's thumb (the most lateral digit on one's hand) into the scrotum and twirling it about in circular fashion. It is meant to be a painful experience. Audible whirring from the mouth is optional.
Shirley promised Fred pleasures of the mouth, but instead performed a dick blender upon the unsuspecting gent's scrotes. Fred should have known better when Shirley said he didn't need a cell catcher.

A: Bitch gave me a dick blender in front of er'body.
B: Whuchu do?
A: I choked a bitch.
M: Hows about a BJ?
W: Hows about a Dick Blender?
M: Up yours whore.

Dick Blender

An act in which a sex partner gives you a blowjob with braces on
My girlfriend gave me a Dick Blender last night




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:09:11