

俚语 dick pillow

Dick Pillow

The pillow that is placed over one's genetailia whilst they sit.
Can you pass me a dick pillow? This morning wood isn't going away any time soon.

dick pillow

Bulging fleshy area on a males inner thighs, near the genitals. They give the apperance of large, tumorus, testicles.
Dude, put on your pants, we can see your dick pillows.


A big beautiful set of women's lips.
Angelina Jolie has a big beautiful set of dick pillows

pillow dick

A person who constantly takes your pillow, that you yourself picked out, & switches it out with their shitty pillow that they picked out. They then proceed to act as if THEY picked out the good pillow, & you should take the shitty pillow.

Or, a person who has discarded a pillow because "I don't like it. It doesn't work." - Complaining Wife. Only to take it back, every night, after you (being the husband), rescued said pillow from a meaningless existence in the linen closet.
Quit being such a pillow dick.

Dick Pillow

When your dick is so big that you could stuff it with cotton and your girl can sleep on it.
¨ḧow was your sleep?¨ "Good I slept on a dick pillow¨




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