

俚语 discombombulated


The act of discombombulating someone is, basically, disintegrating its body into fine pieces of dark matter. Discombombulation shall only occur to a nigger, as it is a situation that can only happen to them, darkskin or light. If they are coons, then, they have a bigger chance of getting spontaneously discombombulated.
Nigger1: Hey, whats good my nigga?
Nigger 2: Feeling bad, man...
Nigger 1: Why, my fellow monkey?
(Nigger 2 gets discombombulated suddenly and explodes, creating a blackhole that destroys the whole hood and, perhaps, the ghetto, killing Nigger 1)


As blown up by a bomb and not dead as you can possibly look.
Ace Rothstein seemed discombombulated after surviving his car being bombed




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