1. A magical creature than makes a spastic noise when its fur is torn out through his penis. it has a dog head, rabbit body and a beaver tail. This amazing creature used to frequent but now has gone onto better things (PS3)
**Warning this creature is prone to rages and violent displays of love**
i.e tearing body parts out through other people
**Warning this creature is prone to rages and violent displays of love**
i.e tearing body parts out through other people
dograbbitbeaver: gerfalkinazlepuk
Online dude: dograbbitbeaver eh...points for originality...
dograbbitbeaver: im going to rip ur testicles out through ur pet kitten's ovaries
Online dude: dograbbitbeaver eh...points for originality...
dograbbitbeaver: im going to rip ur testicles out through ur pet kitten's ovaries