

俚语 drax


Invisible man
guy 1: Hey who's Drax?
guy 2: Invisible man from Marvel


He is invisible.
guy 1: Hey who is Drax?
guy 2:I don't know, I think he is invisible


Drax is a Mexican super hero that is a cheap knock off of superman Drax other wise known as the only mexican super hero.
whats that in the sky is it a plain, is it a bird, no its a mexican, o its drax


To fuck someone up
Yo i saw that dude and i almost DRAXXED his ass


Adjective - Meaning you are dressed and ready for some event or occasion.
Jeff: YO! By the time I get to your house, you better be draxed!

Dan: Yeah man, don't worry, I'll be draxed.

drax dogs

A slang term about the German football player Julian Draxler. This guy is so beast and cheap in fifa 14, that it is simply dog to even play him.
He's got drax dogs. How the fuck am I supposed to win. It's so dog, he paid nothing for him, yet he's the biggest beast out there!


Either you're fucking stupid and can't type. Or you mean Drax-wolf in the species I just made up. A Drax-wolf is a mix of dragon and wolf.
"Wow- Is that a Drax-wolf? I thought those were extinct!"
"No you're just hallucinating we're in the mental hospital."




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