

俚语 drug fucked


When someone has been taking drugs for so long that their brain is fried and they look like a washed up junkie. Not to be confused with stoners.
John: Hey man, the other day I ran into that guy Joe who we went to school with.
Jack: Oh yeah, how is he?
John: Not too good. He's totally drug-fucked.
Jack: That sucks.

drug fucking

Ingesting very large amounts of overthe counter drugs, or common prescriptions, in order to achieve symptoms of overdose or drug reactions. A cheap but very dangerous way to get high.
yeah, man, I went drug fucking last night, took 15 asprins, caffeine, claratin, a sleeping pill or 2, some robitussin, nyquill, and some tylenol.

Drug Fucked

When someone has taken drugs for so long that they are immune to getting that high.
Girl 1: How long have you been on drugs?
Girl 2: For 25 years. Do you think i'm drug fucked?
Girl 1: Damn, i hope not. That sucks.




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