Dylan R
A guy who plays league. He is fucking god tier in norms but in ranked he feeds his ass off. He is also a fucking pussy destroyer and has even asked out every girl from his primary school at least once. Hes autistic as hell but all around a good guy.
Drew: Carry me in ranked?
Dylan R: Sure baud.
Drew: Carry me in ranked?
Dylan R: Sure baud.
Dylan R
A Legit pussy destroyer
if you meet him he will steal your girl
if you are a girl. he will fuck you by the end of the day
often plays league of legends
if you meet him he will steal your girl
if you are a girl. he will fuck you by the end of the day
often plays league of legends
Grill #1: Omg Who is that guy hes so hot
Grill_Catfish #2: Yeah hes Such A Dylan R
Grill_Catfish #2: Yeah hes Such A Dylan R