

俚语 elephant shit

Elephant Shit

All news/propiganda from American right wing mass media. Made generally for simple minded folks but has been known to grind away at IQ levels and crush hopes and faith in humanity.
FOX,CNN,MSNBC mostly spew Elephant Shit

I can't believe I pay for this Fucking Elephant Shit!!
Rush is full of Elephant Shit!
We are up to our ears in Elephant Shit!!!

elephant shit

I was at the Circus once and I saw the Lion Tamer lift up the elephant's tail, and it started dropping baseball-sized turds like a token dispenser at the arcade.
God damn, look at that thing go!

elephant shit

shit of the elephant.
lance walter's favorite food
1. eww there is smelly elephant shit all over my car

2.lance:omfg that is the tastiest elephant ive ever tasted!!

elephant dumptruck shit ton

That's like a lot.
To tell someone, "I love you an elephant dumptruck shit ton." Response: "That's like a lot."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:24:35