

俚语 eleventy


like 70 is seventy, 80 is eighty, 90 is ninety, eleventy refers to 110.
so when bilbo turned eleventy-one he was turning 111.


This is the amount of days described by a drug user that they have been sober.
I am a Tarot card reader and I have been clean off of drugs for Eleventy days.


Eleventy is all numbers. No, it's not infinite, it's all. That means that it's bigger than infinity. It's the best number.
I love it when I count to 11ty, even though it's impossible!


A retarded number.
"What's the square root of 144?"


originally derived from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy. Bilbo Baggin's eleventy-first birth day was the setting of the opening chapter. Since used by people all over the world.
Bilbo reached the ripe old age of eleventy-one.


A commonly used mockery of 1337 talkers, derived from the over-use of exclamation marks after a declaration. Since many people preferred using the Caps-Lock to the shift key, they would be unskilled with the shift key (if such a thing is possible) and it would end up coming out as !!!1!!!!111!!!! or things along that line. "Eleventy" or "Eleventy-one" refers to the groupings of ones located in an overly long string of exclamation marks.
"1337" person: So he's all like 'omg u ghey phag' so I say fucku bithc lolol!!1!!!1!!11!!!

Cynical bystander: Yeah, and then I was all like OMG!!!one!!!!eleventy-one!!


The term that will probably come to define the latest decade, from 2010 to 2019. This is due to the word's already infamous cultural significance among geek kind, see eleventy . Another chance for the internet kind to overwhelm popular culture with our nonsensical whimsical ways.
Back in the Eighties , Nineties and the Noughties I was a nobody, now in the Eleventies I can become a somebody!




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