

俚语 elleon


Elleon is the beautiful but sensitive girl who lights up every room she walks into with her smile and corny jokes and phrases. She’s the pretty girl who is hot enough get with, but innocent enough to cherish. She’s a hottie who can be your best friend when you need it and worst enemy when you deserve it. She can be socially awkotaco, yet be a very noticeable and outgoing bitch. She’s a girl you’re lucky to have in your corner. If she ever leaves you, you’re the one losing and you should be on your knees begging for her forgiveness. She’s worth it.
That girl right there? She’s definitely an Elleon.
That’s an Elleon face for sure.


Elleon is the pretty but socially awkotaco girl that walks into the room and lights it up with a smile. She cracks the weirdest jokes and can sometimes be straight up profane, but under all the jokes and hotness she’s a sweet and sensitive girl. She can be your best friend when you need it and your worst enemy when you deserve it. But she’s definitely someone you want in your corner, and if you ever lose her just know you’re the one taking the L.
She’s definitely an Elleon




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:35:57