

俚语 fartic


A person who constantly farts and opens fire from their ass
Hey mark how are you honey
Mark: good, ( lets out two large from his asshole)
Omg mark you're always lettin em go you're such a fartic


One of the millions of equally smelly particals that make up a fart
As a scientest who eats alot of burritos, I get a lot of chances to analyze farticals!


When a person farts and a little bit of poop comes out.
I had a fartical and the poop roled down my leg.


Term used to categorize certain individuals who enjoy smelling farts while fornicating.
Honey would you please bend over? We need to farticate.


When one has to take a #2 and cant go at that point in time the body releases it in to the air with a fart.
guy#1: dude that stinks!
guy#2 sorry it was farticales.

fartic blast

A huge fart, one so big the furniture shakes
Dude, I just felt the couch shake from your fartic blast!




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