

俚语 farting in church

Farting in church

Just keep looking forward, trying not to snigger and ignore the horrified expression from the old lady next to you.
Example: Does this entry need one? Oh OK then. Farting in church.

fart in church, a

a metaphor used to describe something that is both highly conspicuous and embarrassing; a church service is supposed to be both quiet and solemn and any fart in church would be conspicuous and embarrassing
Jenkins, that oral report was as embarrassing as a far in church!

ducks will fart in church

A highly improbable event to the point of there being no realistic chance of it occuring. Similar to 'pigs might fly'
Person one - 'Albert is wants to win the election'

Person two 'Oh yeah, and I suppose the ducks will fart in church as well!'

went over like a fart in church

Something that wasn't received very well
Jesse Jackson's attacks on the Jewish community went over like a fart in church.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:53:27