

俚语 fascist


Someone who disagrees with you politically
(Insert political figure here) is a racist, sexist, fascist pig


The 21st century equivalent of someone who mildly disagrees with you on a minute topic, and not a hyper-nationalist war machine
My friend disagreed with me the other day about which Call of Duty game was the best. I don’t speak to him anymore because I don’t speak with Fascist scum of the earth, less than human filth like him.


Any political enemy that doesn’t agree with you in some regard, in which you desire to so tear down their political movement that you wish to destroy it, them and all people in that movement at all costs.
“That fascist doesn’t support burning down buildings and shooting people - we’ll kill him later this week.”


Fascist means absolute nothing in brazilian's context. It is all due left groups. So, every time you have nothing to argue and lost your mind, use Fascist as your last action to offend someone else.
Why do you believe Taxes are not a crime against citizens?

- It doesn't matter. You're a such Fascist.
But I'm just trying to understand why do you advocate Taxes and government existence...
- I don't speak with Fascist!!


When, in an argument, a person says something that's unpopular or not in favour of Left Wing talking points.

Or a term often used by Left Wing people when they're losing in a debate.
I think a fraction of BLM protests is being used by communists to spread their propaganda
Shut up, fascist!


What whiny white girls on twitter call you when you disagree with their ideals in any way, shape or form.
Ugh, he's saying Antifa is as violent as The Proud Boys? What a fascist.


A right wing authoritarian ideology with many different subgroups such as(but not limited to) national socialism, capitalist fascism and ecofascism. fascist ideologies are quite diverse and have many different core beliefs but are usually nationalistic and treat their race as there family. it is worth stating that fascists don't have to be racist, religious or genocidal.

Fascism is considered the third position as it is neither capitalist nor communist in its economic policies, though some like capitalist fascists are obviously a mix of capitalism and fascism, most fascists believe in corporatism which is the combining or strong cooperation between the state and the corporations usually for the betterment of society meaning the corporations have a social responsibility and their primary goal is not just to make profits this makes it easier for governments to make everything more streamlined and enforce their will if needed.

Fascist governments tend to be militaristic and isolationist as they only care about their people, land and sometimes the land and people of allies or similar countries.
Person 1: OMG you're such a fascist!
Person 2: you probably don't even know what that means
Person 1: shut up Nazi!




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:19:34